Monday, September 26, 2016

Would you really body shame a 7-year old?????

I live in a country where from the birth, a girl is taught what she can and has to do and what she can’t do and how she should present herself. She is taught how to do makeups and cook. It’s not like that She is not given opportunities as boys and son(s) of the family she is, but at the end her “success” and her “career” is measured on what her husband is and how many of her children are boys.

I don’t really go to the social gathering, because that place is crowded with people who really wants to make conversation. And I really don’t like talking to those people who still think the domain for girl/ women is kitchen and her married life only and that irritates the hell out of me.

Yeah, so I went to this gathering and lots of women were there, it’s actually a Nepali ritual (शहराद) so, I was sitting there with bunch of women, elder than me and there was a 7-year old girl who lives there who is very talented and smart and little overweight kid. She was dressed in a tee and a legging.
One of the women made a comment saying that the t-shirt she is wearing is making look her “fat”. That comment made me so angry but I didn’t say anything to her, because being told girl should not be “rude” to anyone, since I was a little kid.  And the other ladies started commenting more on her weight. And only one person, my first cousin stood up for her and told that she is just a child and it really doesn’t matter at all.
That whole situation made me realize that is our society is F’d Up.
 And this is the situation in one of the “high class” family of our society. It’s not that she is not loved by her family she is very much loved but still, I don’t know why her weight would matter that much? for God’s sake she is just a little kid.  

Instead of commenting on her weight and size can’t they say something encouraging things like when you grow up be an independent woman, be your own hero or something like that?
What if one day she wants to be the president of the country but backs out just because she lacks confidence, she is conscious of her body size being called “fat” from her childhood. So tell me would it be worth it to call on her weight?

Aren’t girls like her is the future? And if the society keeps teaching the same thing to every generation then is it developing as a society? I guess not. Aren’t every next generation is supposed to be more developed than previous one? Does development of a country mean big buildings, nicely pitched roads, health care, literacy only?

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