Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Tonsils in Summer

Whenever it’s a windy day or it is raining, I get a known pain in my throat and technically it’s not even a throat, it’s my tonsils. So it was a very windy day today and rained at pre-evening it and guess who is back? My pain on tonsils,They are the worst. The people without tonsillitis are very lucky person because they don’t have to think twice what to wear and what to eat. Because if  it is chill outside and I haven’t carried my scarf with me then I would be worried for the rest of the day and no matter how hot it is outside I can’t drink cold drinks neither I can eat ice-cream because when i sleep that night it will be all ok but when i wake up the next day either i have cold, cough or my voice is gone for a day.
And sometimes i just can’t take It anymore and i go rogue and do what you like, live life in the edge eat what i have been craving cold Lassi, Ice-creams,sodas... and when i come back home i feel so guilty i drink warm water before i go to bed.

Since it is summer,
no matter how chill the temperature is if you start moving it would be hot and you would start sweating. So today, when my tonsils started to give me trouble I was tensed because it was windy day,and I can’t drink room temperature water because it would be little cold for my tonsils, GAWDDD I hate my tonsils!  Forget the room temperature water you cannot even swallow your own saliva if your tonsil going through a bad day.  It’s not like when you drink warm water or any other warm stuff, it would magically stop the pain, it will just make your throat feel good for like minute or so… and after some minutes it’s like: Damn tonsil, Back at it again with the stabbing pain.  

And the worst part of having the pain in the tonsil is when you say it to your friends and family that today your tonsil pain is back they will start giving you the lecture that you don’t take care of yourself. I usually don’t say it to their face but whenever they start lecturing me what I think is ‘Dude! I love myself more than you love me so stop LECTURING me!’
It’s not that I didn’t go to the doctor to check my tonsils I went to see the doctor and he said to take care of myself, drink lukewarm water and wear a scarf if it’s cold day. And if I get any infections or anything like that then he said he would have it removed.

Ignoring your tonsil will give you more problem later so if you have tonsils or any problem related to throat or tonsil you should visit to the doctor immediately.

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