Monday, February 20, 2017

My favourite X-men

I don't read comic books(that is a whole new story) but i love movies and TV series based on comics. So the list here is solely based on the characters presented in the movies.

Fan BingBing plays the role of a mutant named Blink which was first appeared in X-men: Days of Future Past.She is the mutant who can create portals for teleportation.
Fan BingBing as Blink
Alan Cumming and  Kodi Smit-McPhee play the role of Nightcrawler in X2:X-Men United and X-Men: Apocalypse respectively. Nightcrawler was first appeared in X2:X-Men United. Nightcrawler possesses the superhuman agility, teleportation ability and adhesive hands and feet. And alos, he has a tail.

Professor X
Patrick Stewart  plays the role of older version Charles Xavier whereas James McAvoy plays the younger version of Charles Xavier in X-men Series. Professor X has the ability of telepathic powers he can read people's mind as well as he can project his thoughts into people's mind and he can also manipulate them.

Sir Ian McKellen plays the role of older version of Magneto and Michael Fassbender plays the younger version of Magneto. Magneto has the ability to control the magnetic field and metals.

Evan Peters plays the role of Quicksilver in X-Men: Days of Future Past and X:Men Apocalypse. He has the power of moving, thinking  and processing information in super speed.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

How to spend Holiday

I've still got more than two weeks before my new semester starts that means i am in my holidays that means i have lost purpose of my life for this 2- weeks. I know as soon as my semester starts i would want 6-months of holidays. Is it only me or other students also go through this phase? Anyway so this "Holiday" of mine, i am spending in my home learning new programming language and sun basking because what is better than warmth of sun in this last couple of weeks of winter? The only good thing about this holiday is that i get to sleep all morning and not to worry about the deadlines for assignments. 
Here are some ideas to spend you holidays.
view from Chandragiri


If you love travelling and exploring new places you can go to explore. Recently the main traveling destination in Nepal has been Kalinchowk, Dolokha or Mustang so if you like you can go there.


This is the best way to spend time, read a book fall in love with characters or relive the history through book. 

3.Bucket list

If you have a bucket list start crossing off your wishes. If you wanna do something do it don't wait up.

4.Watch movies/series

If you love watching movies/series you can start watching new movies or series. But once you start watching series you will get hooked with it so if you don't mind caring about TV characters more than yourself then TV shows are perfect to spend time.

5.Learn new things

There are many DIY videos, find your hobby and start learning new things. You can learn anything in Youtube, choose something that is useful and start learning that.

Or you can spend your days by procrastinating, or going to every social networking site every five minutes like me. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Men in Technology vs women not in technology

Just like any other human being i like a good humor and laugh . There is no limitations for joke in the internet, one day i spend more than hour or two scrolling through google image on Thor meme and they were hilarious. No matter which social networking site you use frequently, i'm sure you are following one or more trolling pages or groups. I myself follow loads of those accounts in Facebook and twitter. Some of the jokes posted on those accounts really makes me LOL. 

Since i'm am an IT student i happen to follow trolling accounts related to IT, programming and others. And the ammo for those pages are that  women are stupid when it comes to technology and also in general. And most of the jokes are about girl not understanding basic things about computer. As an IT student trust me i have seen many guys who can't even write an algorithm for anything and you, the admin behind trolling pages are saying that all the girls will call snake to the Python program? And it really upsets me because it is not true for all girls. I know very few girls are into IT but still you can't make fun of those girls who don't share same enthusiasm in technology as you. Not only they make jokes about girls not understanding technology but also give back hand complement if they do. In one of the trolling page i once saw a "joke" saying "Marry that girl who can download a movie from Torrent". And if i try to comment them saying please don't write these kind sexist "joke" they won't even acknowledge those comments.

When you proudly say that i know this programming language, i know that language that you probably learnt on YouTube do you really know that YouTube is run by Susan Wojcicki the current female CEO of the YouTube. When you post those women insulting jokes on Facebook, do you really know that COO(Chief Operating Officer) of Facebook is Sheryl Sandberg who is also a female.

From the start of civilization, women are never treated equal as men neither they are provided with same opportunities. So before insulting a woman think that, we were never given the same treatment and opportunities and whatever we, women have achieved till this date it just started century or two ago. If we can achieve all these achievement with in century or two think what could we have achieved by now if we were treated the same.

I raise up my voice—not so I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard...we cannot succeed when half of us are held back. 
―Malala Yousafzai
And yet if you still think that it is okay to joke about more than half of the population of human race then you are a hopeless douchebag.